
Senate Passes FY24 T-HUD Bill, House to Vote Today

As the expiration of the Continuing Resolution fast approaches on November 17, both sides of Congress are working to pass their Transportation-HUD (T-HUD) appropriations bills. Yesterday, the Senate passed three Fiscal Year appropriations bills, including the T-HUD bill. Overall, the bill provides $70.1 billion for HUD, a slight decrease over current levels but higher than the House FY24 T-HUD spending bill. Importantly, the bill provides critical funding for the HOME program and the Choice Neighborhoods program, which were respectively cut and eliminated by the House.

Over on the other side of Capitol Hill, the House will move to vote on their T-HUD Appropriations bill as soon as today. Although the House T-HUD Subcommittee largely preserved critical housing and community development programs in their bill (except for significant cuts to HOME and the elimination of the Choice Neighborhoods Program), a handful of proposed amendments have been introduced that would call for significant cuts to the HUD budget, causing considerable harm to our programs.

NAHRO members have worked hard to see substantial increases in funding for our programs over the past years – and we will continue to push for FY24! Let your representatives know that preserving funding for housing and community development programs is critical. Visit our Action Alert Center today and tell your representatives to prioritize funding for housing and community development in FY24.

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