PHAs Receive CARES Act Supplemental Operating Funds
Today, HUD allocated the $685 million in supplemental Operating Fund dollars included in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act to PHAs. The funding was allocated to PHAs via the Operating Fund formula. In HUD’s press release announcing the allocations, Assistant Secretary for PIH Hunter Kurtz noted “[t]he work of public housing authorities has never been more important than today.” PHAs with public housing programs can use the supplemental funding to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus. HUD issued guidance on how these supplemental funds can be spent on Tuesday, April 28.
A list of allocations can be found here.
Thank you to everyone that contacted your legislators through NAHRO’s Advocacy Action Center to help get the CARES Act passed last March. Your messages of how important affordable housing is during a pandemic played a critical role in the HUD programs receiving supplemental relief funding.
NAHRO is providing additional coronavirus resources on our website.