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  • Senate and House T-HUD Spending Bills Advance

    The appropriations process is in full swing in Congress. Last week, the Senate passed its FY 2017 Transportation, Housing and Urban Development (T-HUD) spending bill. Despite a devastating initial cut to the overall spending level for T-HUD, Senate appropriators drafted a responsible bill while still adhering to the overall spending cap set in November. Funding … Continue reading Senate and House T-HUD Spending Bills Advance

  • Evaluating Rapid Re-Housing

    HUD releases study evaluating the Rapid Re-Housing Demonstration Program This month, HUD’s Office of Policy Development and Research (PD&R) published its evaluation of the 23 CoCs that were awarded funding in 2009 to implement rapid re-housing (RRH) demonstration programs in order to address family homelessness. The evaluation asked two basic research questions: what do rapid … Continue reading Evaluating Rapid Re-Housing

  • Making the MTW Program Permanent

    House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy Introduces “Moving to Work Reform and Expansion Act of 2016” (H.R. 5137) On April 29, House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) introduced the “Moving to Work Reform and Expansion Act of 2016” (H.R. 5137). The bill would make the Moving to Work (MtW) program permanent and would remove the cap … Continue reading Making the MTW Program Permanent