
NAHRO CEO Responds to Proposed Housing Rule on Undocumented Immigrants

In response to the New York Times story about a proposed rule intended to prevent undocumented immigrants, including those who currently live in federally assisted housing, from receiving federal housing assistance, NAHRO CEO Adrianne Todman made the following comment:

“Public housing and other subsidized housing programs are funded by federal dollars, so HUD and Congress have the authority to determine who is eligible for these programs. They have done so over the years, and housing providers have followed those rules. But to create a new rule that will disrupt existing tenants and families seems both cruel and unnecessary. And using lengthy waiting lists as the excuse to do so is, frankly, ridiculous.  Waiting lists are long not because of undocumented families, but because there is not enough public housing to help all who need it.

HUD already restricts housing benefits to U.S. citizens and eligible noncitizens. There are already rules in place, and public housing authorities both know them and follow them. There’s no need to create further bureaucracy and confusion in an already under-resourced system.”

Contact: Sylvia Gimenez


NAHRO, established in 1933, is a membership organization of almost 20,000 housing and community development agencies and professionals throughout the United States whose mission is to create affordable housing and safe, viable communities that enhance the quality of life for all Americans, especially those of low- and moderate-income. NAHRO’s membership administers more than 3 million housing units for 7.6 million people.

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Sylvia Gimenez

Director of Communications
phone 202-289-3500 mail Send Sylvia an email