
HUD Updates VMS Reference Definitions

Earlier today, HUD sent a letter to Executive Directors of PHAs updating the Voucher Management System (VMS) reference definitions. The complete letter can be found below.

Dear Executive Director:

This email is to inform you of recent updates to the Voucher Management System (VMS) Quick Reference Guide and User’s Manual.  These changes provide further clarification about specific reporting requirements related to the RAD and Mainstream programs. These updates are to the definitions only, these are *not* changes to VMS reporting.  Additionally, you will find that changes to the definition of the following VMS fields have been made:

  • PHA Owned Units Leased
  • Portable Units Administered
  • RAD 1 HAP Expenses Incurred After the 1st of the Month
  • Rental Assistance Component 1 (HAP)
  • All Voucher HAP Expenses for Contracts Effective After the First of the Month
  • Number of PBVs Under HAP and Not Leased with Vacancy Payment and Associated Vacancy HAP Expense
  • HAP Expenses – Number of PBVs Under HAP and Not Leased with Vacancy Payment and Associated Vacancy HAP Expense

Please note:  The updates, along with prior updates from August 28, 2019, are highlighted in green within the documents to make them easier to locate.

The updated Quick Reference Guide and User’s Manual can be found in VMS on the left side under “Resources”.  The links for each are found below.

Quick Reference Guide:

User’s Manual:

Should you have any questions or require additional information, please contact your assigned FMC Financial Analyst.


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