
HUD to Update VMS

On Feb. 28th, HUD sent an email to PHA Executive Directors informing them that the Voucher Management System (VMS) will be revised on March 25th (though the updates should be visible to end users on April 4th). The envisioned changes include revising “existing fields, add[ing] new fields, and delet[ing] fields that are not necessary.” Some of the fields will not be used immediately, but will gain functionality in the future as the appropriate funding has been awarded.

The Department has updated the VMS Quick Reference Guide to reflect these changes. It can be found here.

Charts of the revisions, additions, and deletions of VMS fields can be found below.

The following chart shows the revisions to current field names in VMS:

Original NameRevised Name
5 Year MainstreamMainstream
FSS Escrow DepositsHCV – FSS Escrow Deposits
FSS Escrow ForfeituresHCV – FSS Escrow Forfeitures This Month
Fraud Recovery Total Collected This MonthHCV – Fraud Recovery Total Collected This Month
Number of Vouchers Under Lease (HAP Contract) on the Last Day of the MonthHCV – Number of Vouchers Under Lease (HAP Contract) On the Last Day of the Month
New Vouchers Issued but not Under HAP Contracts as of the Last Day of the MonthHCV – New Vouchers Issued but not Under HAP Contracts as of the Last Day of the Month
All Voucher HAP Expenses After the First of the MonthHCV – All Voucher HAP Expenses After the First of the Month
Unrestricted Net Position Funds (UNP) as of the Last Day of the MonthHCV – Unrestricted Net Position (UNP) Funds as of the Last Day of the Month
Restricted Net Position Funds (RNP) as of the Last Day of the MonthHCV – Restricted Net Position Funds (RNP) as of the Last Day of the Month
Cash/Investment as of the Last Day of the MonthHCV – Cash/Investment as of the Last Day of the Month
Rental Assistance Component 1 (RAD 1)Rental Assistance Demonstration 1 – Pubic Housing Conversion  
Rental Assistance Component 2 (RAD 2)Rental Assistance Demonstration 2 – Mod Rehab, Rent Supp, RAP Conversion
Disaster Families Assisted (UML)Disaster Families Assisted

The Following chart shows the new fields that are being added to the VMS:

New Field
Foster Youth to Independence – HAP and Leasing
Mobility Demonstration – HAP and Leasing
Emergency Transfer Vouchers for VAWA – HAP and Leasing
Rental Assistance Demonstration 3 – PRAC Conversion – HAP and Leasing
MTW – Foster Youth To Independence HAP Expenses After the First of the Month
MTW – Mobility Demonstration HAP Expenses After the First of the Month
MTW – Stability Voucher HAP Expenses After the First of the Month
MTW – Emergency Transfer Vouchers for VAWA HAP Expenses After the First of the Month
Mainstream – Number of New Vouchers Issued but not Under HAP Contract as of the Last Day of the Month
Project Based Vouchers – Total HAP Expenses
Mobility Demonstration Services Expenditures
Mainstream – HAP Expenses After the First of the Month
Mainstream – FSS Escrow Deposits
Mainstream – Fraud Recovery Total Collected This Month
Mainstream – FSS Escrow Forfeiture
Mainstream – Administrative Expenses
Mainstream – Restricted Net Position Funds (RNP) as of the Last Day of the Month
Mainstream – Unrestricted Net Position Funds (UNP) as of the Last Day of the Month
Mainstream – Cash/Investments as of the Last Day of the Month
MTW – Public Housing Operating Subsidy Eligible Expenses
MTW – Capital Fund Eligible Expenses
MTW – Local, Non-Traditional (LNT) Program
MTW – HCV Administrative Fee Expenses
MTW – HCV Administrative Expenses Using HAP
MTW – Other Expense Category
Disaster Placement Fee
Disaster Service Connection Fee
Disaster Case Management Fee
Disaster Administrative Fee
Disaster Other Fees
Emergency Housing Vouchers 1, 2, 3 HAP and Leasing
Emergency Housing Vouchers 1, 2, 3 Number of New Vouchers Issued But Not Under HAP Contract as of the Last Day of the Month
Emergency Housing Vouchers 1, 2, 3 HAP Expenses After the First of the Month
Emergency Housing Vouchers 1, 2, 3 – FSS Escrow Deposits
Emergency Housing Vouchers 1, 2, 3 – FSS Escrow Forfeitures this Month
Emergency Housing Vouchers 1, 2, 3 – Fraud Recovery Total Collected this Month
Emergency Housing Vouchers 1, 2, 3 – Admin Fees – Ongoing Administrative Fees
Emergency Housing Vouchers 1, 2, 3 – Admin Fees – Preliminary Fee Expenses
Emergency Housing Vouchers 1, 2, 3 – Admin Fees – Placement/Issuance Fee Expenses
Emergency Housing Vouchers 1, 2, 3 – Service Fee – Housing Search Assistance Expenses
Emergency Housing Vouchers 1, 2, 3 – Service Fee – Security/Utility Deposit/Rental Application Holding Expenses
Emergency Housing Vouchers 1, 2, 3 – Service Fee – Owner Incentive Expenses
Emergency Housing Vouchers 1, 2, 3 – Service Fee – Other Eligible Expenses
Emergency Housing Vouchers 1, 2, 3 – Unrestricted Net Position Funds (UNP) as of the Last Day of the Month
Emergency Housing Vouchers 1, 2, 3 – Restricted Net Position Funds (RNP) as of the Last Day of the Month
Emergency Housing Vouchers 1, 2, 3 – Cash/Investments as of the Last Day of the Month

The following chart shows the fields that are being deleted from the VMS:

Field Name
FSS Coordinator Expenses Covered by FSS Grant
FSS Coordinator Expenses Not Covered by FSS Grant
MTW – Development Activities
MTW – Local Housing Program
MTW – Public Housing Rehabilitation
MTW – Debt Service Repayment
MTW – HCV Administrative Expenses
Number of Lead Based Paint (LBP) Initial Clearance Tests
Number of LBP Risk Assessments
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