
HUD Publishes FY2023 Jobs Plus Notice of Funding Opportunity

On June 6, HUD announced the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for the Jobs Plus program. Approximately $22.5 million will be made available for PHAs to develop approaches that encourage economic mobility and promote increased resident earnings through earned income disregards and a series of employment enabling services. In addition to counseling, training, and education support, PHAs have the flexibility to provide other services according to resident needs and local abilities.

Eligible housing agencies are those that serve a minimum of 100 households where at least one resident in each household is non-elderly (less than age 65). PHAs that received a Jobs Plus program grant for FY 2019, FY 2020-2021, or FY 2022 are not eligible.

The Department expects to make 12 awards ranging from a minimum of $1.6 million to a maximum of $3.7 million, depending on the number of households served. Applications for this grant are due by Monday, August 21, 2023.

The full Jobs Plus program NOFO can be found here. More information on the notice will be available in the June 15 edition of The Monitor.

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