
HUD Announces More Than $43 Million in Stability Voucher Funding for PHAs and CoCs

On June 5, HUD announced that they will make $43,439,000 in funding available for 3,379 Stability Vouchers. The vouchers are targeted to address homelessness among people in unsheltered settings and in rural communities.  The vouchers will be made available to 135 public housing authorities (PHAs) and partnering Continuum of Care (CoC) communities within 34 States.

Funding for the Stability Vouchers was made available through the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021, which emphasizes the purpose of assisting families at risk of homelessness and those experiencing or attempting to flee domestic violence and sexual assault. A notice of interest (Notice PIH 2022-24) for the Stability Voucher Program, which explained procedures and requirements of the program, was published by HUD in August of 2022 and ended in October 2022.

All recipients of the awarded vouchers received at a minimum five vouchers. The range of vouchers received varied from five all the way to 377 vouchers to a single PHA.

For the full list of PHAs and partnering CoCs to receive funding please see here.

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