HUD Announces Funding for Project-Basing HUD-VASH Vouchers
On July 1, HUD released Notice PIH 2016-11 (HA) entitled, “Set-Aside Funding Availability for Project-Basing HUD-VASH Vouchers.” The Notice announces the availability of approximately $15 million in HUD-VASH funding that will support 2,000 units of project based voucher (PBV) assistance to enable homeless veterans and their families to access affordable housing with an array of supportive services. The vouchers are being made available from a set-aside contained in the 2016 omnibus that provided approximately $60 million dollars of funding for HUD-VASH vouchers.
Any PHA that administers a Housing Choice Voucher program may apply for up to 150 units to be placed under PBV HAP contract(s). Applications are due no later than midnight in the time zone of the PHA on September 9, 2016. All applications must be submitted electronically to
Please see HUD’s Notice for more information on application requirements and scoring.
For in-depth information on the 2016 omnibus’ Section 8 program funding, click here (members only).