HOTMA Signed by President, NAHRO Releases In-Depth Summary
On July 29, President Obama signed the Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act (HOTMA/HR 3700) officially making it law. HUD is now in charge of implementation. The law provides common-sense reforms to our industry and contains numerous provisions supported by NAHRO. NAHRO will be working closely with HUD as they begin the implementation process.
On August 2, NAHRO released an In-Depth Summary (members only) of the law and the provisions found within. NAHRO also previously released a one-pager (members only) of the specific provisions NAHRO has supported and promoted over the years.
We encourage all NAHRO members to thank their Senators and Representatives for getting this important piece of legislation passed. More information on how to thank your members of Congress can found at NAHRO’s Advocacy Action Center as a part of our August Advocacy Month.
On a personal note, we’d also like to thank all of you for helping get this passed. Your outreach and efforts paid off, and we wouldn’t be at juncture without all of you!