
HCV Mobility Demonstration Supplementary Notice Published

A pre-publication copy of a Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Mobility Demonstration Supplementary Notice has been posted to the Federal Register’s public inspection desk. This notice expands on the original implementation notice to describe additional policies and flexibilities for PHAs that are participating in the HCV mobility demonstration (now called the “Community Choice Demonstration“). The notice touches on topics such as the pilot length; enrollment of existing voucher holders and new admissions; flexibility between the treatment groups and the control group; the memorandum of understanding and the performance standards requirements; and the eligible uses of funds.

Pilot Length

Each participating PHA is expected to start its pilot no later than four months after the earliest pilot start date. If a PHA is unable to do it within four months, it will receive a corrective action plan and technical assistance. If it is unable to start the pilot within six months, HUD may recapture any demonstration funds that were awarded to the PHA. The pilot is anticipated to last for six months. If a PHA is unable to complete their pilot within nine months, HUD may recapture their funds.

Enrollment of Existing Voucher Holders and New Admissions

PHAs will be given additional flexibility to enroll fewer existing voucher holders and enroll additional new admission families. Housing agencies must submit a written request to HUD to change the number of existing voucher holders and new admissions. Changes must be reflected in the PHA’s “recruitment and enrollment plan.”

Flexibility Between CMRS, SMRS, and Control Group

The Department will allow flexibility between the number of families enrolled in the comprehensive mobility-related services (CMRS), the selected mobility-related services (SMRS), and the control group to ensure an effective study. Each change will be approved by HUD and documented in the PHA’s “recruitment and enrollment plan.”

Memorandum of Understanding and Performance Standards Requirements

Participating PHAs will no longer be required to enter into a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with HUD. Instead, HUD will draft and issue a statement of responsibilities to the PHA sites. PHAs will have 60 days to opt for withdrawal from the demonstration. After 60 days, PHAs will not be able to exit the demonstration with HUD’s permission.

Eligible Use of Funds

The supplementary notice discusses additional uses of funds. First, PHAs must pay $25 payments to each family to complete a voluntary baseline survey. Second, participating PHAs must recruit and enroll families into the study over a five-year period. Each PHA site may use up to $40,000 each year for staff time and expenses related to recruitment and enrollment. Third, PHA sites may use up to $40,000 each year to supplement salaries of PHA staff, or hire new staff, who are responsible for providing oversight of the program. HUD will publish another Federal Register notice describing the allocation process for funds that have not yet been allocated to participating PHAs.

The full pre-publication copy of the notice can be found here.

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