HCV Forecasting Tool Updated
I have received word from a HUD official that the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Forecasting Tool has been updated. The forecasting tool provides the means to successfully plan and manage a voucher program. The tool has been updated with the final funding numbers for 2018, as well as reconciled 12/31/2017 Restricted Net Position (RNP) numbers for most PHAs.
Additionally, the tool has been updated with several new features:
- the ability to automatically populate PIC EOP report information;
- the ability to incorporate different success rates and time from issuance to HAP rates depending on the voucher type;
- the ability to quickly move information from an old tool to a new tool on the Success Rate Tracker Tab; and
- a better method for estimating potential offset numbers, based on HUD’s most recent offset-calculating methods.
The tool can be accessed from HUD’s Office of Housing Choice Vouchers webpage.