
Congress Extends Gov. Funding Through 2024 Election into High-Stakes Lame-Duck Session

by: Gabriel Smith, Legislative Affairs Analyst

Congress passed a short-term Continuing Resolution agreement to maintain current funding levels in the waning days of the 2024 General Election. The House and Senate took up the bills in back-to-back votes through Wednesday evening. The House cleared the two-thirds majority vote to pass the bill 341-82 with all Democrats joining a majority of Republicans to pass the agreement. On the Senate side, the agreement passed 78-18 and will be signed into law by President Biden.

The new deadline for FY 24 funding to expire will be December 20, about five weeks after the 2024 General Election determines the makeup of the next Congress, HUD, and the next Presidential Administration. With the government funded for now, lawmakers will return to their districts a few days early to finish the final days of their campaigns. Lawmakers initially disagreed about the timeframe for the CR to last; some Republicans hoped for a March deadline which would have extended funding well into the new year. The December 20th deadline will allow lawmakers to wrap up FY 25 funding and offer a fresh slate to the incoming Presidential Administration and the incoming 119th Congress.

Lawmakers are expected back in Washington, November 12. A busy lame-duck session is expected when they return to deal with must pass priorities such as the Farm Bill and Defense funding authorization in addition to the appropriations bills. Of the twelve funding bills, the House passed 5/12 on party lines and the Senate reached bipartisan agreements on 11/12 but have not voted on them as of yet.

NAHRO will continue to monitor Congress and any other breaking news on appropriations and will provide analysis and updates as information becomes available. 

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