Call for Session Proposals!
Have an idea for a thought-provoking conference session? Share your affordable housing and community development expertise and experience with more than a thousand of your peers in New Orleans this October: submit a session proposal for the 2023 NAHRO National Conference and Exhibition!
What we’re looking for: informative and interactive 90-minute sessions in one of the following topic categories: advocacy for housing/community development; climate resiliency; commissioners, community development and redevelopment; community partnerships; cybersecurity; diversity, equity and inclusion; emergency preparedness; Family Self-Sufficiency; finance; homelessness; housing choice vouchers; innovation in housing; international housing and community development; leadership and emerging leaders; marketing and communications; mixed finance; moving to work; public housing; resident services; repositioning; youth engagement and leadership.
We encourage innovative proposals, so if you have an idea that doesn’t fit into one of these categories but would be useful to housing and community development professionals, please submit it!
Each session proposal should have a session title, session description (no more than 100 words), three learning objectives and identified panelists. All sessions will be 90 minutes long and be scheduled for October 6-7 in New Orleans.
How to submit session proposals: Submit your proposals through NAHRO’s online submission tool before May 31.
All panelists and moderators for approved sessions will receive a discounted registration rate of $295.
For more information or to submit a session proposal, visit our Call for Session Proposals page.