$20 million NOFA for Competitive FUP Vouchers Published
Yesterday, HUD released a Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for $20 million of competitive funding for Family Unification Program (FUP) vouchers. These vouchers are for youth aging out of foster care. The appropriations acts of 2020 and 2021 each contained $10 million in competitive FUP funding for youths aging out of foster care. This notice would distribute the competitive FUP allocations for youth aging out of foster care for both of those years. The Department expects to make approximately 40 awards from the funds. No award will be for less than 3 vouchers, while the maximum award will vary depending on the size of the PHA’s program (25 vouchers for programs with fewer than 500 vouchers; 50 vouchers for programs between and including 500 and 1.999 vouchers; and 75 vouchers for programs with 2,000 or more vouchers). The application deadline is March 22, 2021.
The full NOFA can be found here.