Commissioners Handbook

3rd Edition
This book is an indispensable guide to the roles and responsibilities of the local housing or community development agency commissioner. Every commissioner should have a copy!
It covers vital topics such as commissioners’ duties, conducting effective board meetings, working with the board and the executive director, and more. Overviews of housing and redevelopment programs, a separate chapter on ethics, advocacy and communications guidelines, and more!
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Chapter 1: What a Commissioner Does
- Chapter 2: A Contract with the Federal Government
- Chapter 3: An Overview of Housing and Redevelopment Programs
- Chapter 4: Program Financing and Monitoring
- Chapter 5: Working with the Board and the Exeuctive Director
- Chapter 6: Conducting Effective Board of Commissioners Meetings
- Chapter 7: Winning Government and Community Support
- Chapter 8: Becoming an Affordable Housing Advocate
- Chapter 9: Communicating Effectively with Residents
- Chapter 10: Building a Successful Public Relations Strategy
- Chatper 11: Ensuring Ethical Conduct and Practices
- Chapter 12: What NAHRO Can Do for You
- Appendix A: Federal Procurement Requirements
- Appendix B: Abbreviations and Glossary
- Appendix C: Basic Financial Documents
- Appendix D: Chronology of Housing and Community Development Laws