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Commissioners Handbook

commissioners handbook cover

3rd Edition

This book is an indispensable guide to the roles and responsibilities of the local housing or community development agency commissioner. Every commissioner should have a copy!

It covers vital topics such as commissioners’ duties, conducting effective board meetings, working with the board and the executive director, and more. Overviews of housing and redevelopment programs, a separate chapter on ethics, advocacy and communications guidelines, and more! 

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1: What a Commissioner Does
  • Chapter 2: A Contract with the Federal Government
  • Chapter 3: An Overview of Housing and Redevelopment Programs
  • Chapter 4: Program Financing and Monitoring
  • Chapter 5: Working with the Board and the Exeuctive Director
  • Chapter 6: Conducting Effective Board of Commissioners Meetings
  • Chapter 7: Winning Government and Community Support
  • Chapter 8: Becoming an Affordable Housing Advocate
  • Chapter 9: Communicating Effectively with Residents
  • Chapter 10: Building a Successful Public Relations Strategy
  • Chatper 11: Ensuring Ethical Conduct and Practices
  • Chapter 12: What NAHRO Can Do for You
  • Appendix A: Federal Procurement Requirements
  • Appendix B: Abbreviations and Glossary
  • Appendix C: Basic Financial Documents
  • Appendix D: Chronology of Housing and Community Development Laws