HUD staff will provide updates on the Housing Choice Voucher program. Panelists will touch on topics including PHAs’ voucher and budget utilization; Emergency Housing Vouchers; HAP and administrative fee funding, including set-aside funding; the cash management process; HUD’s shortfall efforts; HOTMA Implementation; HUD-VASH; Family Unification Program (FUP), Foster Youth to Independence (FYI), and Mainstream Vouchers; FMR and Small Area FMR updates; the current state of waivers; and current and pending rulemaking and notices.
Danielle Bastarache
Deputy Assistant Secretary, Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs, HUD
Washington, DC
Dominique Blom
General Deputy Assistant Secretary, Office of Public and Indian Housing, HUD
Washington, DC
John Concannon
Deputy Director, Moving to Work (MTW) Demonstration Program, Office of Public and Indian Housing, HUD
Washington, DC
Steven Durham
Director, Office of Housing Voucher Programs (HVP), HUD
Washington, DC
Miguel Fontanez
Director, Housing Voucher Financial Management Division, HUD
Washington, DC
Felicia Gaither
Deputy Assistant Secretary, Office of Field Operations, HUD
Washington, DC
Marianne Nazzaro
Director, Moving to Work (MTW) Demonstration Program, Office of Public and Indian Housing, HUD
Washington, DC
Ashley Sheriff
Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary, Real Estate Assessment Center (REAC), HUD
Washington, DC