Certification & Training

Excellence in Customer Service


Customer service is a primary factor in whether an agency or business meets its strategic goals and embodies its mission. Effective communication improves relationships and satisfaction with clients, but also improves workplace morale, culture and agency outcomes. This training focuses on a paradigm shift in customer service in the housing industry and provides the skills and tools necessary to dramatically enhance how your organization provides customer service.

Many industries, including affordable and low-income housing programs, are transforming their vision, mission, and goals to include a renewed emphasis on improving and enhancing the customer experience. This is one training you do not want to miss!


After completing this training, participants will be able to:

  • Recognize elements of communication and how behavior styles impact effective customer service.
  • Leverage customer service and satisfaction to improve the fiscal and overall health of your organization.
  • Improve skills and competencies related to providing excellent customer service.
  • Identify the impact of workplace culture, policies, and strategic goals on customer service and satisfaction.
  • Identify social media strategies to impact your organizations service and customer satisfaction.

Who should attend?

  • All agency staff


Module 1 – Defining Customer Service-Characteristics of customer service.
-Why excellent customer service is important.
Module 2 – The Impact of Cognitive and Implicit Bias-Implicit bias  
-The cost of poor customer service.
-Unconscious thinking.
Module 3 – DISC Profiles-Four DISC factors.
Module 4 – Customer Service Roadblocks-Customer service roadblocks. 
-Pressures from leadership and residents.
-Outside and internal pressures.
Module 5 – Communicating With Customers– Effective communication with customers.
-Understanding intention.
Module 6 – What Customers Expect-Meeting customers’ needs.
Module 7 – Ways We Interact with Our Customers-Ways we interact with our customers.
-Communication styles.
-Understanding yourself.
Module 8 – Delivering Bad News-Effective delivery of bad news.
-Diffusing anger.
Module 9 – Dealing With Change and Stress-Ways to deal with change and stress.
-Balancing negatives and positives.
Module 10 – Written Communication and Phone Etiquette-Effective written communication.
-Phone etiquette.
In-Person or
Virtual Classroom
In-Person: 1 day
Virtual: 6 hours