
High Performance Management: The Art of Managing People, Process and Policy Seminar

NAHRO Professional Development is offering Symposium registrants an optional add-on opportunity to attend a NAHRO professional development seminar, High Performance Management: The Art of Managing People, Process and Policy.

This special seminar offering is only available as part of Symposium registration, at a discounted add-on fee of $495. Pre-registration is required and space is limited and available on a first come, first serve basis. A waiting list will not be maintained.

Seminar Schedule:
Day 1 – Wednesday, July 16: 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Day 2 – Thursday, July 17: 1:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.

This seminar is targeted to supervisors and managers seeking to enhance their understanding of how they can and will impact the performance of people, systems and policies.  During this training, you’ll analyze and learn  about your  behavior style, communication style and values.  You’ll use the  information and knowledge you gain to empower, inspire and enhance your team’s performance. 

Managing and supervising require unique sets of knowledge, skills, and competencies. This High-Performance Management seminar will provide you with key knowledge and skills to create and maintain high performing and productive teams. You’ll have the opportunity to experiment with critical tools and techniques to effectively manage and supervise your teams.

This participant-centered training is highly interactive using case studies, assessments, and simulations to keep you engaged! You’ll explore your personal behavior style and learn how to leverage it to effectively improve communication, collaboration, and outcomes.


After completing this training, participants will be able to:

  • Identify key attributes of successful high performing managers
  • Reflect on your unique management and communication style and explore the effects on your approaches to managing and communicating
  • Identify and practice skills that contribute to creating high performance work environments with strong accountability and diverse teams
  • Understand how talent and behavior impacts performance and ability to achieve results
  • Learn how to strategize communication and adapt to others needs
  • Use competency and talent based assessments to solve performance issues
  • Apply critical thinking and problem-solving techniques

Pre-Training Requirements:

As part of this training, you will receive a link to complete the TTI DISC assessment (a $65 value).  You will complete your assessment and receive your personal DISC assessment report prior to the first day of training. 

The DISC assessment report provides insight into your personal behavioral style.  Learning about your personal style and the styles of those you work with, you can improve communication, increase understanding, and improve overall performance. During this class, we’ll explore your individual DISC style and how it can help you become a High Performance Manager.

NAHRO Faculty: Bobby Collins, Principal Faculty, NAHRO and Executive Director, Housing Authority of the City of Shreveport

Who should attend?

  • All supervisors
  • Managers
  • Directors
  • Officers
  • Executives
  • Anyone who aspires to obtain management and supervisory positions