HCV Portability


Portability in the HCV program refers to the process through which a family can transfer or port, their rental subsidy to another housing agency. In this class, we will delve into the nuances of portability and the roles the initial, receiving and family play in this process. We will review the various requirements and best […]

PHA Operations for Executive Leaders


Are you new to affordable housing or looking to build the technical skills you need to lead your agency? Leading a housing agency is a challenging and rewarding job but if you’re new to the industry, changing agencies or promoting from program management, this class will help you get up to speed so much quicker!  […]

Nuts and Bolts of Service Coordination


There are many training courses that focus on regulations, policies, and procedures. What has been missing (and what is often asked for) is a “how to” training with opportunities for skill building and here it is! To bridge this gap, this course has been designed by and for service coordinators including FSS, ROSS, Continuum of […]

Managing Public Housing Maintenance


Are you responsible for Managing your PHAs Public Housing maintenance program?   It’s not surprising that maintenance managers face challenges finding time for planning, proactively focusing on asset preservation, and managing day-to-day operations.  That’s a lot of balls to keep in the air! It’s tough to feel like you are constantly “putting out fires”, while you’re […]

NSPIRE for Vouchers


This program is designed for the Housing Choice Voucher Program that is now required to implement the new inspection program known as National Standards for the Physical Inspections of Real Estate (NSPIRE). This is not the Public Housing programs course. HUD has begun a complete review and revamp of the Real Estate Assessment Center (REAC) inspection protocols […]