Certification & Training

The ABCs of Affordable Housing


From translating the alphabet soup of industry acronyms to explaining the differences between public housing, vouchers, and tax credits, this condensed interactive session will walk new Commissioners and staff through the basics of the key programs that housing agencies manage. Bring the questions you have always wanted to ask and leave this session with answers.


After completing this training, participants will be able to:

  • Recognize common housing programs and acronyms.
  • Identify basic information about Public Housing, Housing Choice Voucher, and Tax Credit Program.
  • Describe basic housing roles and responsibilities for housing staff, Executive Directors, and Commissioners.

Who should attend?

  • New staff to housing agencies.
  • New Housing Commissioners.


Module 1 – Intro-Introduction to Federal Agencies that operate housing programs.
Module 2 – Vouchers-Identify types of voucher programs.
-Understand how voucher programs are funded.
-Discuss Total Tenant Payment (TTP).
Module 3 – Public Housing-Understand how Public Housing is funded.
-Identify what different funding streams can be used for.
Module 4 – Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD)-Discuss why RAD exists and what it is used for.
-Understand the basic mechanisms of RAD and what types of conversions are allowed.
-Cover recent updates to the demonstration.
Module 5 – Moving to Work (MTW)-Discuss the history of the MTW program and why it was created.
-Discuss how MTW agencies are funded.
-Discuss the MTW Expansion.
Module 6 – Community Development-Understand the different types of HUD CPD programs.
-Identify the differences between formula grant programs and competitive grant programs.
Module 7 – Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC)-Identify the two types of LIHTC.
-Understand how LIHTC is allocated and utilized.
-Discuss LIHTC income tests.
e-Learning2.5 Hours0.3