
Who We Are

NAHRO, which was established in 1933, is a membership organization of more than 26,000 housing and community development providers and professionals throughout the United States. NAHRO members create and manage affordable housing for low- and middle-income families, and support vibrant communities that enhance the quality of life for all. NAHRO members administer more than 3 million homes for more than 8 million people.


  • More than 26,000 agency and organizational members, benefit recipients, individual members, and corporate members.

NAHRO members own or administer:

  • Nearly 900,000 units of public housing (a vast majority of the nation’s inventory)
  • More than 1,600,000 units of tenant-based Section 8 housing
  • Nearly 400,000 units of other assisted housing

Vision Statement

Thriving communities with affordable homes for all.

Mission Statement

To advance the creation of strong, sustainable and affordable communities through advocacy, professional development, and empowerment of our diverse members.

Core Values

2023-2028 Strategic Plan

Click the image to view the plan

Professional Code of Conduct

Every NAHRO individual member or associate, allied individual member, and those certified through one of NAHRO’s Credentialing programs, must live and work by NAHRO’s Code of Professional Conduct.

Diversity Statement

NAHRO is committed to diversity. We recognize and value the rich and varied experiences and world views of groups and individuals, and how these provide the potential for greater creativity and innovation. We also value the essential points of view that arise from our differences in organizational size and geographic place. By respecting race, religion, skin color, gender, nationality, sexual orientation, gender identity, physical abilities, age, work and behavioral styles as well as the perspectives of each individual as shaped by environment and experiences, NAHRO remains vigilant in our efforts to appreciate diversity and its implications. At all levels, NAHRO will cultivate a culture in which each individual is welcomed, respected, supported and valued as a member.

Equity Framework

In February 2021, the NAHRO Board of Governors approved a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy Framework. NAHRO’s committees are now carrying out more exploratory and actionable work on the policy areas listed within the framework.


Here are a few highlights from NAHRO’s rich history. 

  • 2019

    For the first time in its history, NAHRO has an all-female leadership team: President Sunny Shaw, Senior Vice-President Patricia Wells, and CEO Adrianne Todman.

  • 2018

    NAHRO was integral to the passage of the Economic Growth, Regulatory Reform, and Consumer Protection Act, which was a huge win for small public housing authorities. This legislation provided needed regulatory relief and created a dedicated section of the 1937 Housing Act for small agencies.

  • 2016

    After vigorous advocacy by NAHRO and its members, the Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act (H.R. 3700) is signed into law. It is the most recent large-scale housing bill to amend the Housing Act of 1937 since the 1998 Quality Housing and Work Responsibility Act.

  • 1998

    The Quality Housing and Work Responsibility Act (QHWRA), the most recent comprehensive revision of the public housing and Section 8 programs, was passed.

  • 1996

    The 1996 Appropriations Act included the creation of the Moving to Work Demonstration Program, which allowed participating public housing authorities broad flexibility with regard to many HUD statutory and regulatory requirements.

  • 1986

    Congress passed the Tax Reform Act, of 1986, which included the Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC). The LIHTC is a critical tool for incentivizing affordable housing development nationwide.

  • 1984

    NAHRO assists in the founding of the Housing and Development Law Institute, a non-profit that provides legal resources for housing agencies and their counsel.

  • 1980

    NAHRO created the Management Evaluation and Improvement System (MEIS), precursor to the Public Housing Management Assessment Program (PHMAP).

  • 1953

    NAHO expanded to include redevelopment officials and changed its name to the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials.

  • 1949

    NAHO was influential in the passage of the Housing Act of 1949.

  • 1937

    NAHO was influential in passing the Housing Act of 1937, the first federal legislation that committed the federal government to assisting localities with building low-rent housing and redeveloping blighted areas.

  • 1933

    A group of housing officials came together in Chicago to form the National Association of Housing Officials (NAHO).