
Code of Conduct

The mission of the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials (NAHRO) is to advance the creation of strong, sustainable, equitable, and affordable communities through advocacy, professional development, and empowerment of our diverse members.

NAHRO is committed to helping create a nation in which all people have decent, safe and affordable housing and economic opportunity in viable, sustainable communities.  NAHRO strives to ensure that its mission is upheld by its members with the highest standard of excellence and professional conduct at all times. 

Therefore, each NAHRO individual member or associate, and those who have attained a NAHRO credential pledge to uphold and adhere to NAHRO’s Code of Professional Conduct as follows:

  • Advocate for appropriate laws, adequate funding levels and responsible public policies that address the needs of the people served, are financially and programmatically viable for our industry, are flexible, reduce regulatory burdens and promote local decision-making;
  • Foster and promote the highest standards of ethical behavior, service, and accountability within the industry to further the public trust;        
  • Promote the public trust through advocacy for the responsible administration of housing and community development programs;
  • Perform governance and work responsibilities with the highest degree of integrity and professionalism, in order to merit the respect of the beneficiaries of the programs, elected officials, and the general public;
  • Serve the public with dedication, concern, courtesy, and responsiveness;
  • Exercise diligence, objectivity, and honesty in executing professional responsibilities;
  • Avoid any activities that conflict with official duties and not accept directly or indirectly any fee, rebate, commission, discount, gratuity, or other benefit, whether monetary or otherwise, for the professional discharge of duties except an authorized established salary, expenses, and benefits;
  • Avoid misuse or misrepresentation of any of NAHRO’s credentials.
  • Create organizational and community environments that are free of harassment and discrimination.
  • Strive to keep all communication free of bias and offensive slang;
  • Be responsible stewards of human, financial, and capital resources;
  • Immediately report known violations of this Code of Professional Conduct. Reports will be investigated by the NAHRO Board of Ethics and Credentialing Trustees (BECT).  Reports may be made to the NAHRO CEO or Chair of the BECT.

This Code of Professional Conduct has been adopted to promote and maintain the highest standards of excellence in personal and professional conduct. Adherence to this Code is required for continued NAHRO individual membership and associate status and/or retention of any credential achieved through NAHRO. Adopted by the NAHRO Board of Governors on October 10, 2019.

To submit a complaint alleging a NAHRO Member or Credential Holder has violated the NAHRO Professional Code of Conduct, follow the Rules of Procedure.

NAHRO Code of Professional Conduct Disciplinary Actions

(Six Year Rolling History)

Complaints Received000000
Review Process Initiated by NAHRO
Board of Ethics and
Credentialing Trustees (BECT
Individuals Sanctioned100000