Senate Passes Year-Long Continuing Resolution
Earlier this evening, March 14, the Senate passed a year-long Continuing Resolution (CR) that would keep the government open until September 30, 2025 – the end of Fiscal Year (FY) 2025. The bill maintains level funding from FY 2024 to FY 2025, except for certain anomalies that would provide increases to specific accounts. The CR was introduced and passed in the House on Tuesday, March 11 – the bill now heads to President Trump, who is expected to sign it after signaling his support. While housing and community development programs fared relatively well compared to the Senate and House FY25 proposals released last summer, some Democrats are concerned that the year-long CR does not preserve Congress’s authority in appropriating funds.
The CR includes anomalies for both the tenant-based rental assistance accounts and the project-based rental assistance account. NAHRO expects the anomaly provided for the Housing Assistance Payments account to fully fund voucher renewals based on HUD’s last publicly released forecast. The bill gives HUD the authority to use funds from the tenant-protection voucher (TPV) account, administrative fee account, the new HUD-VASH account, and the new Foster Unification Program and Foster Youth to Independence (FUP/FYI) account if needed for shortfalls. NAHRO currently estimates the administrative fee proration to be 89%. The anomaly for Projects-Based Rental Assistance is also expected to cover all renewals.
CR Funding Summary
- Public Housing Capital Fund: $3.2 billion, level funding
- Public Housing Operating Fund: $5.476 billion, level funding
- Choice Neighborhoods: $75 million, level funding
- Section 8 Housing Assistance Payment Renewals: $32.145 billion, a $3.654 billion increase
- Administrative Fees: $2.771 billion, level funding
- Family Self-Sufficiency: $141 million, level funding
- Section 8 Project-Based Rental Assistance: $16.49 billion, a $480 million increase
- Community Development Block Grant: $3.3 billion, level funding
- HOME Investment Partnerships: $1.25 billion, level funding
- Housing Opportunity for Persons with AIDS: $505 million, level funding
- Homeless Assistance Grants: $4.051 billion, level funding