
NAHRO Presents IRGE Award to Steve Pomeroy

On September 27, the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials (NAHRO) presented the International Research and Global Exchange (IRGE) award to Steve Pomeroy, principal of Focus Consulting, Inc., and lecturer at Carleton University and McMaster University. The award was presented during NAHRO’s National Conference and Exhibition in Orlando, Florida. 

“Understanding housing challenges across the world better equips us all to create local solutions,” said NAHRO CEO Mark Thiele. “Steve is not just an affordable housing professional, but also a wise and generous houser who has shared his research and perspectives with NAHRO and many other organizations worldwide – and we’re all the better for it. I’m thrilled to be able to present this award to him.” 

Mr. Pomeroy is an Ottawa-based housing research consultant and part time lecturer at Carleton and McMaster University. He has 45 years of experience in the housing sector, working at the municipal and federal government, in non-profit development, and since 1994, as a consultant and part-time academic. Since 1994 he has authored over 260 research reports and papers on housing and homeless issues. 

Mr. Pomeroy has collaborated with colleagues across the world on comparative studies. He was a core member of the Canadian delegation in the former US-UK-Canada Tri-country exchange from 1989-2008, then organized and led annual exchanges (2004-2018) for the Ontario Non-Profit Housing Association.  

About NAHRO 

NAHRO, which was established in 1933, is a membership organization of more than 26,000 housing and community development providers and professionals throughout the United States. NAHRO members create and manage affordable housing for low- and middle-income families and support vibrant communities that enhance the quality of life for all. NAHRO members administer more than 3 million homes for more than 8 million people. 

About the IRGE Award 

The IRGE award was established in 1983 to acknowledge a person who has made contributions to the international community. It was originally named after John D. Lange, Executive Director of NAHRO from 1951 to 1970, who actively participated throughout his professional career in international exchange and, in his retirement, carried out executive service assignments in Argentina, Indonesia, and the Philippines. 

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