
100,000+ Letters Sent So Far for August Advocacy!

Congratulations NAHRO members and allies – we have officially hit an amazing 100,000+ letters sent to Congress and the White House through our 2024 August Advocacy campaign! That’s two times more than our goal of 50,000 letters. And we still have one week left to go!

Breaking down the numbers, over 8,000 individual advocates have reached out to a whopping 403 total elected officials – that’s over 75% of Congress! NAHRO advocates have sent letters from 47 states and the District of Columbia! Just Alaska, Hawaii, and Nevada are missing from our advocates-by-state heat map. If you’re from one of those states and want to participate, please do!

And remember – we have one more week! Next week is our bonus week where we’ll encourage Congress to expand and improve the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit. We’ll also be putting up letters from Week 1-5 on the Action Alert Center, so if you missed a letter, you’ll have an opportunity to send it next week.

Again – thank you for the unbelievable turnout, NAHRO Nation! When we come together, we can do incredible things to raise national awareness about the critically important work housers do.

And if you haven’t yet – advocate today!

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Want more information?

Sylvia Gimenez

Director of Communications
phone 202-289-3500 mail Send Sylvia an email