
HUD Publishes Names of Members of MTW Advisory Committee

On Wednesday, June 22, HUD published the names of the members of the MTW Advisory Committee. In its FY 2016 Appropriations bill, Congress directed HUD to expand MTW to include a hundred additional public housing agencies (PHAs) over the next seven years. Congress also called on HUD to establish a federal research advisory committee. The research advisory committee is responsible for advising HUD on specific policy proposals and methods of research and evaluation for MTW.

HUD has appointed the following people to the advisory committee:

  • Josh Meehan – Keene Housing;
  • Austin Simms – Lexington-Fayette Urban County Housing Authority;
  • Chris Lamberty – Lincoln Housing Authority;
  • Adrianne Todman – District of Columbia Housing Authority;
  • David Nisivoccia – San Antonio Housing Authority;
  • Janny Castillo – Former Resident of the Oakland Housing Authority;
  • Cindy Fernandez – Former Resident of the Housing Authority of Tulare County;
  • Asia Coney – Resident of the Philadelphia Housing Authority;
  • Larry Orr, Ph.D. –  Johns Hopkins University;
  • Heather Schwartz, Ph.D. – RAND Corporation;
  • Mark Joseph, Ph.D. – Case Western Reserve University;
  • Stefanie DeLuca, Ph.D. – Johns Hopkins University;
  • Jill Khadduri, Ph.D. – Abt Associates;
  • Marianne Nazzaro – HUD’s Office of Public and Indian Housing; and
  • Todd Richardson – HUD’s Office of Policy Development and Research.

HUD has also published an anticipated timeline for the expansion.

Early Summer 2016

Publish a summary of submitted comments on

Summer 2016

Begin the calls with the advisory committee, with an in-person meeting in Washington, DC in late-summer.

Fall 2016

Publish the notice to select the initial cohort of MTW agencies, with up to four months to submit applications.

Spring/Summer 2017

Select initial cohort of new MTW public housing authorities.

 Additional Resources:

Read the full HUD Press Release here.

Read NAHRO’s coverage of the FY 2016 appropriations bill and the included MTW expansion here.

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