
NAHRO Releases Preliminary Joint FY 2018 Budget Recommendations with PHADA and CLPHA

Yesterday, April 6, NAHRO released joint budget recommendations with industry groups CLPHA and PHADA. The document containing the recommendations states that the recommendations “are based on the best information available at this time. [The three groups] will submit revised funding recommendations to Congress when more detailed and timely information, such as the President’s FY 2018 budget request and Congressional Justifications, becomes available in May.”

These recommendations would fully fund the Operating Fund and provide enough funding for the Capital Fund for PHAs to begin addressing their capital needs backlog. Additionally, these recommendations would fully fund voucher renewals, fully fund the administrative fee formula, and fully fund project-based rental assistance contracts. The recommendations also provide sustainable funding for other important programs.

NAHRO / PHADA / CLPHA FY 2018 Funding Recommendations (in millions)
Public Housing Operating Fund$5,349
Public Housing Capital Fund$5,000
Emergency Capital Needs$21.5
Resident Opportunities and Supportive Services (ROSS)$35
Jobs Plus$15
Public Housing Financial and Physical Assessment Activities$10
Section 8 Tenant-Based Housing Choice Voucher HAP Renewal$19,390
Section 8 Ongoing Administrative Fees$2,284
Section 8 Project-Based Rental Assistance$11,400
Consolidated Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) Program$95
Choice Neighborhoods Initiative$200

The “Emergency Capital Needs,” “Resident Opportunities and Supportive Services (ROSS),” “Jobs Plus,” and “Public Housing Financial and Physical Assessment Activities” accounts are in addition to the amount requested for the Capital Fund and are not sub-accounts.

The entire document with the FY 2018 budget recommendations–which contains additional information about each of the accounts–can be found here.

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