
HUD Posts “Keys to A Successful RAD Conversion” Videos

On Thursday, May 17 and Friday, May 18, HUD held a training on the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) program titled “Keys to A Successful RAD Conversion.” The two day long sessions were held in the Brooke-Mondale Auditorium at HUD’s Headquarters. The training was targeted at PHAs that had not yet contemplated, or had not yet started, a RAD transaction and was meant to provide information about the RAD process. The Department had previously promised to post videos of each of the sessions, which they recently did. The session videos can be found below.

Click below to see each session.

[6/14/18 Edit – HUD has posted the videos and the PowerPoints with each presentation here.]

[6/14/18 Edit – HUD has removed some videos which showed two sessions and reposted them as separate videos. NAHRO has updated the links below.]

The Future of RAD – Tom Davis, Director, Office of Recapitalization, HUD

  • Setting Up for Success – Strategic Portfolio Planning –
    • Moderator: Greg Byrne, Transaction Division, Office of Recapitalization, HUD;
    • Panelists: Jane Hornstein, Director, Special Applications Center, Office of Public and Indian Housing, HUD; Sandra Hudson, Executive Director, Northwest Georgia Housing Authority; Ann Gass, Director of Strategic Housing Initiatives, Housing Authority of the City of Austin

Secretary Ben Carson’s Remarks

The Rad Roadmap – Will Lavy, Director, Program Administration Office, Office of Recapitalization, HUD

Baltimore – Pecha Kucha (a short presentation; 20 slides shown for 20 seconds each) – Peggy Webster, Director of Planning and Development, Housing Authority of Baltimore City

  • Resident Consultation, Resident Rights, and Relocation
    • Moderator: Tom Davis, Director, Office of Recapitalization, HUD
    • Panelists: Will Rudy, Director, Office of Relocation and Real Estate, Office of Community Planning and Development, HUD;
    • Claude Dickson, Senior Advisor, Office of Recapitalization, HUD

  • RAD Resource Desk – Liane Houseknecht, Federal Practice Group, LLC


  • The Building Blocks of a Strong Financing Plan
    • Moderators: Kara Williams-Kief, Branch Chief, Office of Recapitalization, HUD and Alan Kaufmann, Branch Chief, Office of Recapitalization, HUD
    • Panelists: Chad Ruppel, Program Analyst, Office of Field Operations, Office of Public and Indian Housing, HUD;
    • Darryl McGee, Program Analyst, Special Applications Center, Office of Public and Indian Housing, HUD;
    • Onawa Simmons, Transaction Manager, Office of Recapitalization, HUD;
    • Arnold Taylor, Transaction Manager, Office of Recapitalization, HUD

    • Environmental Review and HEROs Submissions
      • Amanda Nogic, Transaction Manager, Office of Recapitalization, HUD

  • Fair Housing and Civil Rights Reviews
    • Moderator: Will Lavy, Director, Program Administration Office, Office of Recapitalization, HUD
    • Panelists: Celia Carpentier, Program Analyst, Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity, HUD and
    • Danielle Garcia, Division Director, Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity, HUD

Using the Capital Needs Assessment e-Tool to Plan – Robert Robinson, Federal Practice Group, LLC

  • Fixing Problems Before They Fix You: Anticipating Organizational Change in a RAD Conversion
    • Moderator: Tom Davis, Director, Office of Recapitalization, HUD
      Panelists: Pat Amerson, Transaction Manager, Office of Recapitalization, HUD;
    • Tamieka Green, Transaction Manager, Office of Recapitalization, HUD;
    • Mary Rodriguez, Transaction Manager, Office of Recapitalization, HUD

  • Closing a RAD Transaction
    • Speakers: Bev Rudman, Director, Closing and Post-Closing Division, Office of Recapitalization, HUD;
    • Vickie Longosz, Senior Attorney, Assisted Housing Division, Office of General Counsel, HUD;
    • Alan Kaufmann, Branch Chief, Office of Recapitalization, HUD

  • Your RAD Financing Toolkit Innovations to Consider
    • Moderator: Shannon Lestan, Managing Director, Recap Real Estate Advisors
    • Panelists: Joyce Floyd, Vice President of Strategic Planning and Development, Knoxville Community Development Corporation,
    • Nicole Wickliffe, Director of Asset Management, Fairfax County Redevelopment and Housing Authority,
    • Sheila Jones, President, Selenium Properties & Board of Commissioners, Charlotte Housing Authority.

These and other videos can be found on HUD’s YouTube Channel.

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