FY 2019 Housing Trust Fund Allocations Released
FY 2019 Housing Trust Fund (HTF) allocations will be announced in the Federal Register on Friday, May 17. Today, HUD published the allocations in the Public Inspection section of the Federal Register. HTF grantees include all 50 states, the District Columbia, and U.S. territories. The formula allocation guarantees funding to increase and preserve the supply of rental housing for extremely low- and very low-income families and to increase homeownership for extremely low- and very-low income households. Funding for FY 2019 is $247,666,778.80. While all states at least received $3 million, the formula awards bonus points to certain factors. For example, California received $32 million, New York State received $19 million, Texas $11 million, Florida $9.5 million, Illinois $8.5 million, and New Jersey received $7 million.