
Pre-Registration for NSPIRE Demonstration Opened

Yesterday, HUD opened a pre-registration for agencies interested in participating in the NSPIRE Demonstration. The NSPIRE demonstration will change the way that public housing agencies, owners, and agents (POAs) inspect public housing properties. HUD’s Real Estate Assessment Center (REAC) wants to ensure that public housing units are adequately maintained, so they are developing the NSPIRE protocol to emphasize regular upkeep and maintenance of units throughout the year, rather than immediately before inspections. NSPIRE scores will be advisory, and agencies will keep their current UPCS scores during their participation in the demonstration.

HUD is looking for a “diverse, representative group of stakeholders from across the nation.” Participants in the demonstration will have the opportunity to participate in focus groups, listening sessions, conference calls, and training session on NSPIRE policies and procedures that will help “shape the new inspection model.” Participation will also include access to training opportunities, including how to use new inspection software.

Agencies interested in participating must agree to annually inspect 100 percent of their units and submit non-scored self-inspections to HUD. Agencies must also schedule a mutually agreed upon inspection date with a HUD inspector so data can be collected. HUD reserves the right to order and execute a UPCS inspection and apply any available remedies, sanctions, or other actions as determined by the results if property conditions warrant during participation in the demonstration. Agencies with properties subject to existing HUD Compliance, Disposition, and Enforcement or Corrective Action Plan cannot participate in the demonstration.

Pre-registering for the demonstration will expedite the time it will take HUD to make first-round selections for participants. HUD anticipates that the first-round of demonstration participants will be selected by September, 2019.

Interested agencies can pre-register here.


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