
PHAs Should Check to Ensure DUNS and TIN Are in Active Registration Status in SAM

Starting in 2020, HUD is requiring that all PHAs have their Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) numbers and Tax Identification Numbers (TIN) in active registration status in the System of Award Management (SAM) in order to receive funding. PHAs should check to ensure that their DUNS and TIN are active in SAM and that their SAM registration has not lapsed or expired. PHAs will not receive funding where TIN data conflicts in eLOCCS.  More specifically, if the DUNS Organization TIN and Contractual Organizational TIN in LOCCS are inconsistent, PHAs will not receive funding.

HUD has already obligated funds to PHAs through mid-March. HUD will begin requiring active registration in SAM for DUNS and TIN for the next round of obligations. If a project is not funded because it does not comply with the above requirements, the agency should work to immediately update their registration in SAM or work to correct the inconsistency in TIN data in LOCCS. Once the SAM or TIN deficiency is corrected, the project will be funded in the next obligation.

Additional information about SAM and DUNS and TIN registration is available on the FMD website

PHAs can check their SAM status on the SAM website.

According to HUD there are currently 56 PHAs with expired SAM registrations. 37 PHAs have TIN mismatches. HUD will be providing a listserv reminder to all PHAs detailing the SAM and TIN requirements as well as the impact of noncompliance.  In addition, HUD will send an email notification to PHAs in noncompliance, notifying them of their status and providing guidance on how to bring themselves into compliance.

In instances where the TIN data in LOCCS conflicts, the PHA should work with HUD’s CFO by sending an email to The email subject should read “LOCCS TIN Correction to match SAM” and the email should include:

  1. A scanned copy of an IRS letter or other documentation that show the TIN in SAMS;
  2. A screen shot from SAM that show the TIN and DUNS
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