
HUD Updates Guidance for CY 2020 HAP Set-aside Applications

The following email updating HAP set-aside application instructions was sent to PHA Executive Directors earlier today.

The deadline date for the following list of calendar year (CY) 2020 Housing Assistance Payments (HAP) Set-aside categories is being extended to no later than 5 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, Wednesday, July 15, 2020:

  • Category 2a: Unforeseen Circumstances
  • Category 2b: Portability
  • Category 3: Project-Based Voucher
  • Category 5: Lower-than-average Leasing
  • Category 6: Disaster

Please refer to PIH Notice 2020-04 for details on the information and documentation required for eligibility consideration under each applicable category of the CY 2020 HAP Set-aside prior to submitting requests.

Additionally, for health and safety reasons during the pandemic, HUD will not accept regular mail or faxes for these applications; therefore, PHAs are required to submit their applications electronically to the email address. Electronic signatures will be accepted on Appendix F and respective supporting documentation.

Finally, this extension does not impact the deadline dates communicated through PIH Notice 2020-04 for Category 1: Shortfall as it remains open throughout the year, or Category 4: HUD-VASH as the deadline for applications is October 1, 2020.

Should you have any questions about this message, please do not hesitate to contact your FMC Financial Analyst, or the FMD staff at

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