
NAHRO Launches Congressional Contacts Initiative

The Congressional Relations team at NAHRO has officially launched our Congressional Contacts initiative. We are recruiting NAHRO members to connect with their members of Congress on a consistent basis. Your voice is needed – offices on Capitol Hill want to hear from agencies that serve residents in their districts.

Each year, Congress appropriates funding to the Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). They also introduce legislation to improve the implementation of housing and community development programs. NAHRO wants to make it easy for you to influence your members of Congress as they make decisions that impact your programs and communities.

When advocacy opportunities arise, NAHRO will ask you to send a pre-drafted letter from our online Action Alert Center. The letters are open to members and non-members who support NAHRO’s policy priorities. However, with the launch of Congressional Contacts, our goal will be to use our contacts to reach all the offices we are targeting during an advocacy campaign with someone from their district.

We also plan to offer exclusive advocacy trainings for our Congressional Contacts. The Congressional Relations team is available to support contacts who want to develop ongoing relationships with their members of Congress.

If you are interested in becoming a Congressional Contact, please complete the online form at Reach out to the Congressional Relations team at or with any questions. Only active NAHRO members are currently eligible to become a Congressional Contact.

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