
Application Deadline for SR-FBR Program Extended

HUD has extended the application deadline for the Small-Rural Frozen Rolling Base (SR-FRB) to June 30, 2021 (Notice PIH-2021-17). To apply to the SR-FRB program, eligible PHAs must elect to participate in the program via the Operating Fund Web Portal. The election will be made through the SR-FRB submodule, which can be found in the Energy Incentives module. Elections must be on or before June 30, 2021 if an agency wishes to begin the program in 2022. As with other Operating Fund Web Portal submissions, applications must be filled out by the PHA Executive Director. Detailed instructions on how to fill out the election form can be found here. A list of eligible PHAs for the program can be found here.

The SR-FRB program allows small, rural PHAs to freeze their three-year rolling base consumption level that is used to calculate their operating fund amounts received. Housing agencies will be able to freeze their most recent three-year period for a period of up to 20 years. All cost savings will go to the PHA and the PHA may use them for any eligible public housing purpose.

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