FY 2021 CoC NOFO Released
On August 18, HUD released its FY 2021 Continuum of Care (CoC) Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO). Through the NOFO, over $2.6 billion in competitive funding will be made available to homeless services organization across the country for supportive services and housing programs for people experiencing homelessness. The NOFO will also provide an addition $102 million for new rapid re-housing, supportive services, and other activities critical to assist survivors of domestic violence, date violence, sexual assault, or stalking. This is the first CoC NOFO to be released since the COVID-19 pandemic as HUD was granted the authority to renew grants without a NOFO in FY 2020. The NOFO is available at grants.gov. Applications are due November 16, 2021.
CoCs can renew existing projects, apply for new projects, and reallocate resources from lower performing projects to better serve people experiencing homelessness. The FY 2021 NOFO also invites Indian Tribes and Tribally Designated Housing entities (TDHE) to apply for grants. HUD is specifically seeking projects that:
- End homelessness for all persons experiencing homelessness;
- Use a Housing First approach;
- Reduce unsheltered homelessness and reduce the criminalization of homelessness;
- Improve system performance;
- Partner with housing and health agencies, including to leverage and coordinate American Rescue Plan resources;
- Advance racial equity and addressing racial disparities in homelessness; and
- Engage people with lived experience of homelessness in decision-making
The NOFO is available at grants.gov. Applications are due November 16, 2021.