HUD Publishes FY 2022 HCV Implementation Notice
On May 19th, HUD published the 2022 Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Implementation notice (PIH Notice 2022-14). Titled “Implementation of the Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2022 Funding Provisions for the Housing Choice Voucher Program,” this notice details how HUD will allocate the money appropriated by Congress for the HCV program.
The notice notes how much money Congress has allocated for each voucher account for 2022; how the Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) renewal formula is calculated; and discusses the administrative fee rate. It also notes how to apply for administrative fee special fees, HAP set-aside funds, and certain other fees. The notice also discusses each voucher account, and where applicable, notes if another notice will discuss it further. The notice states that the mobility-related services account of $25 million will have a Notice of Funding Opportunity at a later date and that the new $200 million in funding for vouchers will be allocated by a noncompetitive notice with an operational notice following soon afterwards.
Perhaps the biggest change in this notice from prior years is that eligibility for tenant protection vouchers (TPVs) is changed. HUD will no longer provide replacement TPVs for vacant units that were occupied by a family within the previous 24 months. At this time, HUD will only provide replacement TPVs for occupied units. If there are any additional TPV funds at the end of 2022, then HUD may decide to provide TPVs for the vacant units that were occupied within the last 24 months.
Interestingly, the notice hints that the eligible uses of administrative fees may be clarified. It states that “HUD intends to issue additional guidance on the use of administrative fees for other expenses of PHAs administering the HCV program in a forthcoming notice.” NAHRO applauds this forthcoming clarification of administrative fee uses as the current eligible uses are overly circumscribed and not required by any statutory language.
NAHRO members will receive additional information on this notice.
The full notice can be found here.