
$10 Million Choice Neighborhoods Planning Grant Notice of Funding Opportunity Available

Applications Due July 28, 2022

On June 2, HUD announced that they have begun accepting applications for Choice Neighborhoods Planning Grants for fiscal year 2022. Planning Grants exist to help PHAs create plans to revitalize distressed HUD-assisted housing, the community, and the neighborhood of the project into more desirable areas. This type of Choice Neighborhood grant is intended to provide the resources and support PHAs need to create a strategic plan and take initial action steps toward revitalization and is separate from Implementation Grants.

This year’s Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) contains significant changes from previous years, including the following:

  • an increase in the total amount of funding available for planning grants and thus an increase in maximum award size to $500,000 and number of grants to 20;
  • eligibility of Public Housing developments with American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funding; and
  • new application evaluation criteria.

In May, HUD held a webinar explaining changes to the application and scoring process. All applications must be downloaded from Links to prior webinars detailing the application directions, scoring process, and Choice Neighborhoods background are available on the FY 2022 NOFO page here.

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