
HUD Publishes Notice on Form HUD-50058

Today, HUD published a notice titled “30-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Family Report, MTW Family Report, MTW Expansion Family Report” in The Federal Register. The notice opens the 30-day comment period and requests public comments on proposed and additional changes on Form HUD-50058, Form HUD-50058 MTW, and Form HUD-50058 MTW Expansion Family Reports. 

HUD is proposing several changes to the HUD-50058 Family Report and corresponding revisions to the HUD-50058 MTW and HUD-50058 MTW Expansion Reports for consistency. The data will be used to understand family profile, demographic, income, and housing information for all tenants in assisted housing nationwide. The revisions and changes will also allow HUD to collect information on the performance of programs and of the PHAs administering the programs.  

Written comments and recommendations for the information collection can be sent here within 30 days of the notice publication date, until July 7, 2023. 

More information on proposed changes will be detailed in the next edition of The Monitor

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