
HUD Publishes MTW Flexibility II Cohort Request for Applications

On July 31, HUD published a notice titled “Request for Applications under the Moving to Work Demonstration Program: Overall Impact of Moving to Work Flexibility and Administrative Efficiencies” (Notice PIH 2023-20). The notice discusses the fifth cohort of the Moving to Work (MTW) expansion demonstration program. The MTW demonstration allows PHAs certain flexibilities in how they use their public housing and housing choice voucher program funding to best serve their families. Each PHA in each cohort in the MTW expansion receives flexibilities and also has to participate in a research evaluation. For this cohort, the research evaluation is on the overall effects of the MTW flexibilities bundle on the PHA and the residents it serves.

The notice discusses certain requirements for PHAs to apply to participate in this cohort. This cohort will be open to PHAs with 1,000 or fewer aggregate public housing and housing choice voucher (HCV) units. To apply, PHAs must follow the instructions in this notice and submit their applications by Dec. 8, 2023.

NAHRO members will receive additional information about this cohort and the application process in the coming weeks.

The full notice can be found here.

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