
HUD Verifies Allowing the Use of HQS for an Additional Year

On September 5, HUD sent an email to Executive Directors discussing the National Standards for the Physical Inspection of Real Estate for the Housing Choice Voucher program (NSPIRE-V). The new NSPIRE-V protocol is currently scheduled to be implemented for the voucher program beginning on October 1, 2023. These standards will be applicable to all PHAs with voucher programs, including Moving to Work (MTW) agencies.

The email discusses several key points about NSPIRE-V implementation. First, HUD still intends to publish an administrative notice to implement NSPIRE-V. The Department is still aiming to publish that notice before October 1, 2023. Second, the email states that the new notice will “announce additional time for PHAs to retain the Housing Quality Standards (HQS) as their inspection standard until October 1, 2024.” This is the first time that HUD has confirmed in writing that PHAs will have the option to retain the use of HQS for an additional year. Third, agencies with “approvals for acceptability criteria variations will need [those] approvals reviewed by HUD.” These criteria variations allow for the use of local standards in certain areas depending on geographic conditions, but only if they are more stringent than the NSPIRE-V standard. Finally, the email states that HUD has developed technical assistance materials, which can be accessed on HUD’s NSPIRE website.

The full email can be read here.

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