
Small-Rural Frozen Rolling Base Applications Due September 21, 2023

Applications to participate in the Small-Rural Frozen Rolling Base (SR-FRB) program are due on September 21, 2023 through the Public Housing Portal. The program allows PHAs who have the Small Rural designation and operate public housing to receive public housing subsidy amounts based on their average utility usage for the most recent three years before entering the program. Meanwhile, PHAs should make investments to become more efficient, thereby decreasing expenses. If PHAs spend less on utilities than the frozen amounts in the Public Housing Operating Fund formula, the agency keeps the cost savings. The money saved from improving efficiency while receiving funding at their prior energy usage level can be used to supplement either Public Housing Operating or Capital Fund needs for up to 20 years.

Key requirements to join the program include the following:

  • Agencies must meet the Small Rural designation;
  • Moving to Work agencies (MTW) are only prohibited if their MTW agreement modifies utility expense levels (UEL);
  • Agencies must operate public housing;
  • The program applies to PHA-paid utilities, so resident-paid utilities are not included in the program;
  • The SR-FRB does not apply to trash removal or flat rate utilities;
  • Agencies may choose to freeze specific utilities and at specific asset management projects (AMPs); and  
  • Agencies may not layer this program with an energy performance contract in the same year at the same AMP.

For more information, visit the SR-FRB web page for guidance, points of contact, and a technical support videos.  Additionally, see the list of small rural PHAs for eligibility questions and NAHRO’s summary of the most recent SR-FRB guidance.

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